
Full Harvest Moon

Stepping with honesty with Master Merlin. I welcome you on this full harvest moon on September 24th. Some of you feel the moon in its full intention and power. The Mass consciousness is preparing itself to stand strong against those who have awakened and those who are waking up. You are becomg more and it

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Merlin´s Halloween Sprinkles

Merlin er igennem med en vidunderlig kanalisering om at ære vores forfædre og deres liv på jorden.    For many years – Man has tried to keep Man down. Many past lives ago they kept you down.Because they were kept down. Your Hare chakra memory of these times can hinder you on your present path

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Kanalisering fra White Buffalo Calf Woman

Brothers and Sisters Behold yourselves Be grounded and sincere Create life in peace and love Be the footprint that will change world Take each step with your heart Be the peace between the opposites Set boundaries with stamina and compassion Free yourself from guilt and temptations Know your hustlers among you Acknowledge your own and

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